Monday, January 09, 2006

Turning the light out on Creeper

Creeper is turning out to be a real *bleep-er*.

I have managed to air the yarn. I locked it up in our conservatory overnight where the temperature probably reaches below zero at night and that seemed to have done the job. A good old fashioned airing. I even bought a pouch of lavender to pop into the bag of wool as suggested by Diana but I don't think I'll need it.

That being said I can now work on the garment without the horrid stench. However, I'm just not loving it. Creeper that is. You know when you just don't fall head over heels and enjoy a knit. What do you do when you just don't enjoy what your knitting? I've been sticking with it in the hope that I find a love pocket to jump into, but its just not happening. Why? January blues? PMT?
I dunno. But my Debbie Bliss Alphabet Blanket makes me smile a whole lot more than Creeper.


Creeper - I feel guilty for tossing you aside and I'm sorry. I feel guilty for not knitting you close to my chest and I feel guilty for calling you smelly. I think the best thing for the both of us to do, is part. So I'll be frogging you tomorrow.

Creeper, good night and god bless.


iSeL said...

Oh nooo. Here I was hoping to see how good it was going to look on you.

Oh well, bye bye creeper.

Anonymous said...

Oh well! Now that the stank is gone, you can knit something else fabulous out of the yarn.

Ruth said...

i have a similar relationship with a WIP. but i don't have the courage and guts that you have to call the relationship like it is (a downward spiral) and decide to do something about it (ripping). i'm too chicken and guilt-ridden to even look at it. maybe one day i'll say my apologies up front and do the ripping when i have enough guts. =)

Anonymous said...

I totally understand your creeper situation. I am experiementing with not even touching yarn or going over patterns until I finish my current project (which is taking forever and a day).

Laura.Y said...

oh wow, so many things happened here since I last have time to read blogs! Oh I soo understand how it stinks sometimes. I chuck it out in the sun to air...:) doesn't work sometimes though.