Friday, December 21, 2007

Happy Christmas

This is a photo of Little Sis and I, 1984 visiting the Big Man.

I took the Bubela and the Nosh on the "Santa Express" last week. A lovely friend of mine had invited us along to join her and her kids. We picked up the "Santa Express" at Selfridges in London and took the 15 minute journey to "Lapland" to visit Father Christmas.

NB. Its all a bit confusing in our house with the Channukah/Christmas thing. We visit Father Christmas, but we know that its Father Channukah that delivers the presents - on Christmas Day. And, Mummy and Daddy give the presents for the 8 days of Channukah. Phew, anyone else wanna throw their little tradition into this mess?

Anyway, the journey to "Lapland" was picturesque. We saw reindeer's and rabbits, trees and tinsel, snow drops and snow flakes. Just beautiful. It set the scene to visit Father Christmas.

Now, upon this journey I thought about who would apply for such a job as Father Christmas. What would the job description say? He had to be short. He'd have to be 50ish. And he'd have to be extra friendly.

We dock at "Lapland" and enter the room. "Hello my friends" in the broadest Yiddisher accent you could ever here. My ears pricked and my eyes twinkled like we were on familiar ground. "So, Vhat vould you like for Christmas?" The Bubela shrank into me. He gave the kids a book, "The Snowman" and vished us good health and a heppy new year.

HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE. I love you all dearly.

Be good, be kind and keep healthy.



Anonymous said...

What a nice funny story! And thank you for your greetings. I hope, qou and your family will have another nice time, too.

Oh, what a pity. I don't want to be anonymus but I have too, blogger doesn't allow any other alternative...

Kind regards to London

Sweetpea4kids said...

thanks Biana - Happy Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I would like to wish you a 'Guten Rutsch' and a happy new year.
(I read today in the newspaper, that linguists think, the German 'Guten Rutsch' has nothing to do with a good sliding into the new year what would be the meaning of 'rutschen', it is the Jiddisch Rutsch that means beginning)

I hope, wou and your familiy will have a wonderful 2008 and that you will have many beautiful photos and tales for us.

Kind regards,