Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Town Mouse & Country Mouse

I often read the classic fable, The story of The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse to the kids. Its a story with so much depth and meaning. And, just like Toby Town Mouse, this weekend we packed our suitcase, locked our town house door and went to visit family in the country.

3 hours into our journey, the scenery greened, the roads thinned and the petrol prices rose.

First stop was to feed the horses.

What a beautiful village the family lived in. Their house 300 plus years old. A garden which met the horizon. A neighbour 2 miles down the road. Two dogs, a duck and a flock of sheep. Thats what you call the real countryside.

We were welcomed with warmth... and a glass of wine.

As I sat and unconsciously rubbed my handy bag sized anti-bacterial hand sanitizer into my palms, the surrealism spasmed my mother-in-law into hysteria. I'm sitting sanitising my hands as I watch the two dogs, Shorty and Trixie, Duck Duck (the duck!!) all of whom they share their home with, walk around the house freely playing with my boys. Dog hairs coated the seat of my trousers, the duck eating out of the dog bowl, the sheep eating bread in the garden... and I'm worried I've got germs on my hands, let alone dog hair in my cake. OY VEY.

The Bubela was in awe of Duck Duck. Constantly trying to pick her up as she waddled away quack quack-ing. He searched the garden for mis-laid eggs (he found two).

More photo's of our weekend here

The hotel we stayed in was magnificent. 600 plus years old. Our room was glorious, albeit the floor was of an inclined radient as steep as the Malvern Hills which overlooked us out of the window.

Seriously, when in bed we rolled clockwise. Me into Hubby and the poor little Nosh in the Zed-bed couldn't keep himself in the bed. We had to make a ditch of pillows for him to roll into. I couldn't relax and sleep for fear that he would roll under a bed somewhere never to be seen again.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wordless Wednesday... except this is all about words

This is an email that my Bubela received from one of his friends...

Dear Nathan you have been such a nice boy

and amazing at beeing a good,nice,caring,dilightful friend.

And you are so smart you are quit good at a lot of things



... brought tears to my eyes

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Folksy Store is having a half price sale.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

...Just popping in

to introduce some weekend finds.

I love this silhouette family. You can make your own here.

Whilst procrastinating the blog scene, I came across some beautiful blogs. First up, there is French Charming. A funny, bright and exuberant blog which will have you yearning for those fabulous finds.

Then, let me introduce you to Soph4Soph. I met her over at Twitter, she's a real sweetie and she'll always put a smile on your face! You must check out her amazing childrens line too, she and her sister make amazing girls dresses.

And Miss Matilda. I just love the 1940's era and Ive spent hours and hours perusing this blog. The post-war Fashion, the movies, the songs, Sinatra and Bette Grable. Check out Matilda's AbleGrable design here.

I'm also very excited about the new Selvedge Shop which has just opened in Archway. I'll defently be slipping a visit in there this summer.

Im already a great lover of the Selvedge magazine, the photos are always incredible and oozes inspiration to another level.

And, lastly. A special mention to my big Bubela. You make me a proud mummy. Good report kiddo! I guess you earned that lego set you were saving for ;0)

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Bloggers block has been the cause of my absence. I apologise.

I've two dress orders to complete and my quilt to put together, a new venture Im toying with and too many late nights. All, keeping me away from my love of writing to you.

School is almost out. I don't know who's more excited, the Bubela or me. Actually, I'm a little sad as its the end of an era for the Bubela. Come September, he'll be attending a new prep school.

*welling up*

I could go all shmoltzy here and let you know about the treasured friends I have met at school, and the continuing love with friends watching our kids grow together in the playground, or the nachas I've had as the Bubela has come home singing those Jewish songs.


So, to close the end of an era, I'm working hard on the teachers present which I hope she'll like. I think it'll look cute hanging in her classroom. I just need to glue my children and wire the plaque.... voila.

And, how could I not share this photo of the Nosh wanting to be just like his Daddy. Awwwwww.

In other news:

I was really lucky to see Take That in concert. Incredible!

I'm back weighing at weight watchers. Gained a pound this week. Too many nights out!